John Idso

Software Engineer

Software Engineering Skills


I take joy in craftsmanship, creating with intention, and connecting with those around me. After 7 years in product, I discovered that I loved the problem solving, strategy, planning, and creative environment that engineering provides.

My superpowers have always been communication and problem solving, and I'm very well versed in applying them effectively in a technology organization. I have a strong inclination to find the best tool for the job, while keeping our users and business objectives top of mind.


Check out some of the things I've made.

Party Up!

Full Stack Application / 16 Aug. 2021
Party Up! helps friends to connect over the games they love. Users can display games from their Steam library to show what they're interested in playing, search and add other users as friends, see what other users are playing, and set up a date and time to play.
Steam API, NES.css, React, Redux, Redux-Saga, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, Passport

Redux Movies

Full Stack Application / 25 Jul. 2021
I made Redux Movies to learn more about utilizing global state via the Redux-Saga package. Users can view movie posters in the database, movie details, and add new movies to the app. Saga was really useful for simplifying my GETs and displaying information across the application.
React, Material-UI, Redux, Redux-Saga, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL

Feedback Loop

Full Stack Application / 25 Jul. 2021
I made Feedback Loop to learn more about managing state with react-redux. Users can fill in and submit their feedback ratings. Special care was taken to conditionally render submit buttons so that a user can only progress if they've provided feedback.
React, Redux, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL